
Generate graphs to visualize Bsport sessions over time 💪

Primary LanguageGo


CLI tool to generate booking charts from the bsport API.

It uses go-echarts to generate the visualizations.


Grab the latest binary from the releases, or build it yourself!


➜ ./bsport-charts -help
Usage of ./bsport-exporter:
  -member string
        BSport member ID
  -token string
        BSport API token

Go on backoffice.bsport.io and inspect the network requests.

You can extract your member ID from the query string of some requests and your token from the authorization header of any request.

Then, launch the tool:

➜  ./bsport-charts -member xxxxxx -token xxxxxx
INFO[0001] Generated charts.html

And open the generated file in your browser.


An example of the output is available in ./charts.example.html and on https://bsport-charts.s3-website.fr-par.scw.cloud/.

Heatmap of bookings per weekday and hour of the day

Bookings per day of the week

Bookings over time, grouped by week