
My Emacs configuration

Primary LanguageEmacs LispDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


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This repository contains my personal Emacs configuration. I’ve kept it around since my first hello-world through many Emacs bankruptcies so it fits me and it might not fit you. Do feel free however to use it as your own, adapt it to your needs. The licensing is very permissive.


Tested daily on Arch and MacOS.

I trust your Google-fu. Try and make the most of the below notes.


janssonEnable native JSON parsing
libvtermEnable terminal emulation within Emacs
pinentryEnable pass prompts within Emacs
ripgrepPrefer rg over grep
tree-sitterEnable built-in Tree-sitter bindings
typescript-language-serverEnable LSP for TypeScript buffers
vscode-css-language-serverEnable LSP for (S)CSS buffers


Clone the repository into your user directory.

git clone git@github.com:angrybacon/dotemacs.git ~/.config/emacs/

There used to be Git submodules under lisp/. Since I’m basically the only consumer of these packages and that they mostly exist to keep my configuration clean, I don’t plan on releasing any of them anytime soon. So they’re back to being simple directories for now.

The configuration is used daily under latest Emacs and doesn’t guard against undefined functions from earlier versions (by choice).


See https://github.com/angrybacon/dot/blob/master/LINUX.org#emacs.


See https://github.com/angrybacon/dot/blob/master/MACOS.org#emacs.

Window Manager

Emacs can be used as a window manager under Linux. See DESKTOP.org (deprecated).