A configurable, easy to maintain personal website
Live example: https://naresh1318.com
After working on a project the last thing I usually think of is updating my personal website. Adding links, images, description and pushing changes to the server every single time I work on something new is kinda boring especially if you are lazy like me. What do we do when we're lazy? we automate things. Thereby giving us time to, idk, complain about our laziness. I designed Topaz to automatically update as much of my website as possible.
- Automatically fetch public repos from your github account
Projects from github
- Admin page that lets you easily add blogs and publication details
Add blogs and publications details
- Customize website by editing
"name": "Naresh Nagabushan",
"icon": "./static/img/personal-website-logo.png",
"name_font_family": "Beth Ellen",
"font_family": "Source Sans Pro",
"nav_bar": "#101010",
"recent_activity_cards": "#f1f1f1",
"project_cards": "#f1f1f1",
"blog_cards": "#f1f1f1",
"publication_cards": "#f1f1f1",
"resume_url": "https://files.naresh1318.com/public/Me/Naresh_Nagabushan.pdf",
"github_url": "https://github.com/Naresh1318",
"medium_url": "https://medium.com/@rnaresh.n",
"linkedin_url": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/naresh-nagabushan-2946b013a",
"twitter_url": "https://twitter.com/Naresh_Reddy_"
- Mobile friendly (currently working on this)
Mobile friendly
- Automatically fetch blogs from medium
- Fetch publication from google scholar
- # Your thoughtful suggestions go here :)
Super easy as always. Clone before you start!
- Edit theme.json file to reflect what you want. Here's another example:
"name": "Alice & Bob",
"icon": "./static/img/my-dope-icon.png",
"name_font_family": "Beth Ellen",
"font_family": "Source Sans Pro",
"nav_bar": "#101010",
"recent_activity_cards": "#101010",
"project_cards": "#101010",
"blog_cards": "#101010",
"publication_cards": "#101010",
"resume_url": "https://files.naresh1318.com/public/Me/what_ever.pdf",
"github_url": "https://github.com",
"medium_url": "https://medium.com",
"linkedin_url": "https://www.linkedin.com",
"twitter_url": "https://twitter.com"
Generate a github token by visiting this link: https://github.com/settings/tokens and select the repo checkbox. Give it a name if you want and copy the token.
cd into the project root dir and paste the key into a keys.txt file
echo "token <your key>" >> keys.txt
Install docker if you don't have it already using this link: https://docs.docker.com/install/ or just google it for your os
Add an admin account
Open any editor and modify
:ENV USERNAME "<username>" ENV PASSWORD "<password>"
Build your image:
docker build -t <image name>:<tag> .
Here's how mine looks:
docker build -t topaz:latest .
Run your image:
docker run -p <port to forward>:5000 -v absolute path to data dir in project:/app/data/ <image name>:<tag>
Here's mine:
docker run -p 4000:5000 -v /home/naresh/Projects/Topaz/data/:/app/data/ topaz:latest
Finally, go to
localhost:<port forwarded to>
on your browser -
You can access the login page using
localhost:<port forwarded to>/login
. Examplelocalhost:4000\login
. Login using the username and password you setup earlier.
- Feel free to do a pull request if you fix bugs
- Email me rnaresh.n@gmail.com if you have any suggestions!