
Developer scripts for linux (Project management)

Primary LanguageShell

Developer Scripts

Beeing a project manager, it is ment to help you with different tasks a developer come across on a daily basis.

In an ideal world, once configured, all you do is to type: ds make PROJECTLABEL.

In the end, it should help/ease your tasks with:

  • build
  • code sync
  • package
  • repo
  • review packages
  • release packages
  • create and build livecds

Overview of the Functions:


  • add
  • edit
  • make
  • (review)
  • setup | + git | + ks | + mock | + rpm | + ssh | | + info | | + make | | + setup+ prj | + edit LBL | + git | | + add | | + edit | | + upl | rpm | | + add | | + edit | | + list | | + make


This table should give a brief preview of where to place the files. This setting is for a proper system wide installation. docs | /usr/share/dev-scripts/docs incl | /usr/share/dev-scripts/incl man/* | /usr/share/man/man1 menu | /usr/share/dev-scripts/menu templates | /usr/share/dev-scripts/templates dev-scripts_compl.bash | /usr/share/bash-completion ds.sh | /usr/bin/ds