
Python script that converts .midi files to .scpt files, akin to BardMusicPlayer, but for mac!

Primary LanguagePython


Python script that converts .midi files to .scpt files, akin to BardMusicPlayer, but for mac!

Refer to the graphic https://bardmusicplayer.com/perf_settings.png for key bindings.

To run:

install python3

install python module mido

install python module pyautogui

install pysimplegui

install python3-tkinter

ensure keybindings are set as per bardmusicplayer settings

to run: open up bard perform mode in FFXIV with instrument of choice.

run cmd line: python3 play.py "path/To/MidiFile/song.midi"

Switch back to FFXIV in performance mode, and rock out

It helps to have the terminal set up in automtor, as it gives you a simple means to stop the song.

Playing will start after a 2 second delay. this can be updated in the play.py, under the sleep(2) function.

If you have issues installing python3, reddit user a5920 wrote up a guide that worked for them:

Install python3 for mac Mac by typing python3 in terminal

Install command line developer tools from the popup

Download https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py,

Type python3 in terminal,

Then python3 -m pip install mido

And python3 -m pip install pyautogui

And python3 -m pip install pysimplegui

And brew install python3-tkinter

The last line needs homebrew which you can get here : https://brew.sh/