This repository help you to install k8's on AWS with kops
- AWS access key
- AWS secret access key
Platforms supported
- Linux
- MacOs
Download or clone to your system
git clone
Now run the below command help you to install k8's on AWS, as script will require some inputs
- AWS access key
- AWS secret key
- AWS Region for k8's
- Note: Currently automation supports for us-west-2, will fix soon for other Regions
- K8's clsuter name
- Note: Here you use gosip cluster which doesn't require any route53, but you want to use route53 you use as cluster name
When you run the script below AWS resources will created for Kops
- autoscaling-group
- autoscaling-config
- dhcp-options
- iam-instance-profile
- iam-role
- internet-gateway
- instance
- keypair
- load-balancer
- route-table
- security-group
- subnet
- volumes
- vpc
If you want to cleanup everything that got created with above steps, please run the below command
bash cleanup