
Temporary location for documentation an examples showcasing how to deploy and manage NVIDIA NIM with KServe

Primary LanguageShell


Temporary location for documentation an examples showcasing how to deploy and manage NVIDIA NIM with KServe


The following steps assumes a running K8s cluster with KServe installed, kubectl access, and NIM access on NGC. The cluster will need a StorageClass that can provide a PV large enough to download and unpack the models (200GB+ for larger models), a LoadBalancer configured in the platform, and supported GPUs for the class of NIM being deployed.

  1. Ensure access to the NIM models and the NIM containers by logging into NGC and browsing to the desired NIM artifacts.

  2. Create an API key in NGC and add this as a secret in the namespace being used to launch NIMs. This can be accomplished by running:

export NGC_API_KEY=
bash scripts/create-secret.sh
  1. Enable the NodeSelector feature of KServe to allow a NIM to request different GPU types.
kubectl patch configmap config-features -n knative-serving --type merge -p '{"data":{"kubernetes.podspec-nodeselector":"enabled"}}'
  1. Create all the NIM runtimes in the K8s cluster. Note these will not be used until an InferenceService is created in a later step.
for runtime in `ls -d runtimes/*`; do
  kubectl create -f $runtime
  1. Create a PVC called nim-pvc in the cluster and download the models into it. TODO: Add details NGC download steps here, CLI setup steps, and example pv yaml files TODO: Add notes about managing multiple different models in the same model-store pvc
# Run from inside the PV
ngc registry model download-version --dest "/mnt/model-store" "ohlfw0olaadg/ea-participants/llama-2-7b-chat:LLAMA-2-7B-CHAT-4K-FP16-1-A100.24.01"
# TODO: Add steps to unpack the tarball and ensure it is in the proper folder director of pvc://nim-pvc/model-store
  1. Create a NIM by instationating the InferenceService corresponding to the NIM model you want to run. Note that the NIMs are a thruple of (model, version, gpu type+quantity), be sure to select the right yaml file. TODO: Add additional details here

  2. Validate that the NIM is running by posting a query against the KServe endpoint TODO: Add steps on getting the endpoint

curl http://<KSERVE/URL>/v1/chat/completions  \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "model": "meta/llama2-70b-chat",
    "messages": [{"role":"user","content":"What is KServe?"}],
    "temperature": 0.5,   
    "top_p": 1,
    "max_tokens": 1024,
    "stream": false 

For additional example queries see the model card on build.nvidia.com