
Various Extensions for the NgRx Signal Store

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NgRx Toolkit


NgRx Toolkit is an extension to the NgRx Signals Store. It is still in beta but already offers features, like:

  • Devtools: Integration into Redux Devtools
  • Redux: Possibility to use the Redux Pattern (Reducer, Actions, Effects)
  • Storage Sync: Synchronize the Store with Web Storage
  • Redux Connector: Map NgRx Store Actions to a present Signal Store

To install it, run

npm i @angular-architects/ngrx-toolkit

Starting with 18.0.0-rc.2, we have a strict version dependency to @ngrx/signals:

@ngrx/signals @angular-architects/ngrx-toolkit
18.0.2 latest
18.0.0 18.0.0
18.0.0-rc.3 (not supported)
18.0.0-rc.2 18.0.0-rc.2.x
<= 18.0.0-rc.1 0.0.4

To install it, run

npm i @angular-architects/ngrx-toolkit

Devtools: withDevtools()

Redux Devtools is a powerful browser extension tool, that allows you to inspect every change in your stores. Originally, it was designed for Redux, but it can also be used with the SignalStore. You can download it for Chrome here.

To use the Devtools, you need to add the withDevtools() extension to your SignalStore:

export const FlightStore = signalStore(
  { providedIn: 'root' },
  withDevtools('flights'), // <-- add this
  withState({ flights: [] as Flight[] })
  // ...

After that, open your app and navigate to the component that uses the store. Open the Devtools and you will see the flights store in the Devtools under the name "NgRx Signal Store"

You can find a working example in the demo app.

Important: The extensions don't activate them during app initialization (as it is with @ngrx/store). You need to open the Devtools and select the "NgRx Signal Store" tab to activate it.

The Signal Store does not use the Redux pattern, so there are no action names involved by default. Instead, every action is referred to as a "Store Update". However, if you want to customize the action name for better clarity, you can use the updateState method instead of patchState:

patchState(this.store, { loading: false });

// updateState is a wrapper around patchState and has an action name as second parameter
updateState(this.store, 'update loading', { loading: false });

Redux: withRedux()

withRedux() bring back the Redux pattern into the Signal Store.

It can be combined with any other extension of the Signal Store.


export const FlightStore = signalStore(
  { providedIn: 'root' },
  withState({ flights: [] as Flight[] }),
    actions: {
      public: {
        load: payload<{ from: string; to: string }>(),
      private: {
        loaded: payload<{ flights: Flight[] }>(),
    reducer(actions, on) {
      on(actions.loaded, ({ flights }, state) => {
        patchState(state, 'flights loaded', { flights });
    effects(actions, create) {
      const httpClient = inject(HttpClient);
      return {
        load$: create(actions.load).pipe(
          switchMap(({ from, to }) =>
            httpClient.get<Flight[]>('https://demo.angulararchitects.io/api/flight', {
              params: new HttpParams().set('from', from).set('to', to),
          tap((flights) => actions.loaded({ flights }))

DataService withDataService()

withDataService() allows to connect a Data Service to the store:

This gives you a store for a CRUD use case:

export const SimpleFlightBookingStore = signalStore(
  { providedIn: 'root' },
    dataServiceType: FlightService,
    filter: { from: 'Paris', to: 'New York' },

The features withCallState and withUndoRedo are optional, but when present, they enrich each other. Refer to the Undo-Redo section for more information.

The Data Service needs to implement the DataService interface:

  providedIn: 'root'
export class FlightService implements DataService<Flight, FlightFilter> {
  loadById(id: EntityId): Promise<Flight> { ... }
  load(filter: FlightFilter): Promise<Flight[]> { ... }

  create(entity: Flight): Promise<Flight> { ... }
  update(entity: Flight): Promise<Flight> { ... }
  updateAll(entity: Flight[]): Promise<Flight[]> { ... }
  delete(entity: Flight): Promise<void> { ... }

Once the store is defined, it gives its consumers numerous signals and methods they just need to delegate to:

export class FlightSearchSimpleComponent {
  private store = inject(SimpleFlightBookingStore);

  from = this.store.filter.from;
  to = this.store.filter.to;
  flights = this.store.entities;
  selected = this.store.selectedEntities;
  selectedIds = this.store.selectedIds;

  loading = this.store.loading;

  canUndo = this.store.canUndo;
  canRedo = this.store.canRedo;

  async search() {

  undo(): void {

  redo(): void {

  updateCriteria(from: string, to: string): void {
    this.store.updateFilter({ from, to });

  updateBasket(id: number, selected: boolean): void {
    this.store.updateSelected(id, selected);


DataService with Dynamic Properties

To avoid naming conflicts, the properties set up by withDataService and the connected features can be configured in a typesafe way:

export const FlightBookingStore = signalStore(
  { providedIn: 'root' },
    collection: 'flight',
    entity: type<Flight>(),
    collection: 'flight',
    dataServiceType: FlightService,
    filter: { from: 'Graz', to: 'Hamburg' },
    collection: 'flight',
    collections: ['flight'],

This setup makes them use flight as part of the used property names. As these implementations respect the Type Script type system, the compiler will make sure these properties are used in a typesafe way:

export class FlightSearchDynamicComponent {
  private store = inject(FlightBookingStore);

  from = this.store.flightFilter.from;
  to = this.store.flightFilter.to;
  flights = this.store.flightEntities;
  selected = this.store.selectedFlightEntities;
  selectedIds = this.store.selectedFlightIds;

  loading = this.store.flightLoading;

  canUndo = this.store.canUndo;
  canRedo = this.store.canRedo;

  async search() {

  undo(): void {

  redo(): void {

  updateCriteria(from: string, to: string): void {
    this.store.updateFlightFilter({ from, to });

  updateBasket(id: number, selected: boolean): void {
    this.store.updateSelectedFlightEntities(id, selected);


Storage Sync withStorageSync()

withStorageSync adds automatic or manual synchronization with Web Storage (localstorage/sessionstorage).


As Web Storage only works in browser environments it will fallback to a stub implementation on server environments.


const SyncStore = signalStore(
    key: 'synced', // key used when writing to/reading from storage
    autoSync: false, // read from storage on init and write on state changes - `true` by default
    select: (state: User) => Partial<User>, // projection to keep specific slices in sync
    parse: (stateString: string) => State, // custom parsing from storage - `JSON.parse` by default
    stringify: (state: User) => string, // custom stringification - `JSON.stringify` by default
    storage: () => sessionstorage, // factory to select storage to sync with
public class SyncedStoreComponent {
  private syncStore = inject(SyncStore);

  updateFromStorage(): void {
    this.syncStore.readFromStorage(); // reads the stored item from storage and patches the state

  updateStorage(): void {
    this.syncStore.writeToStorage(); // writes the current state to storage

  clearStorage(): void {
    this.syncStore.clearStorage(); // clears the stored item in storage

Undo-Redo withUndoRedo()

withUndoRedo adds undo and redo functionality to the store.


const SyncStore = signalStore(
    maxStackSize: 100, // limit of undo/redo steps - `100` by default
    collections: ['flight'], // entity collections to keep track of - unnamed collection is tracked by default
    keys: ['test'], // non-entity based keys to track - `[]` by default
    skip: 0, // number of initial state changes to skip - `0` by default
public class UndoRedoComponent {
  private syncStore = inject(SyncStore);

  canUndo = this.store.canUndo; // use in template or in ts
  canRedo = this.store.canRedo; // use in template or in ts

  undo(): void {
    if (!this.canUndo()) return;

  redo(): void {
    if (!this.canRedo()) return;

Redux Connector for the NgRx Signal Store createReduxState()

The Redux Connector turns any signalStore() into a Global State Management Slice following the Redux pattern. It is available as secondary entry point, i.e. import { createReduxState } from '@angular-architects/ngrx-toolkit/redux-connector' and has a dependency to @ngrx/store.

It supports:

✅ Well-known NgRx Store Actions
✅ Global Action dispatch()
✅ Angular Lazy Loading
✅ Auto-generated provideNamedStore() & injectNamedStore() Functions
✅ Global Action to Store Method Mappers \

Use a present Signal Store

export const FlightStore = signalStore(
  // State
  withEntities({ entity: type<Flight>(), collection: 'flight' }),
  withEntities({ entity: type<number>(), collection: 'hide' }),
  // Selectors
  withComputed(({ flightEntities, hideEntities }) => ({
    filteredFlights: computed(() => flightEntities()
      .filter(flight => !hideEntities().includes(flight.id))),
    flightCount: computed(() => flightEntities().length),
  // Updater
  withMethods(store => ({
    setFlights: (state: { flights: Flight[] }) => patchState(store,
      setAllEntities(state.flights, { collection: 'flight' })),
    updateFlight: (state: { flight: Flight }) => patchState(store,
      updateEntity({ id: state.flight.id, changes: state.flight }, { collection: 'flight' })),
    clearFlights: () => patchState(store,
      removeAllEntities({ collection: 'flight' })),
  // Effects
  withMethods((store, flightService = inject(FlightService)) => ({
    loadFlights: reduxMethod<FlightFilter, { flights: Flight[] }>(pipe(
      switchMap(filter => from(
        flightService.load({ from: filter.from, to: filter.to })
      map(flights => ({ flights })),
    ), store.setFlights),

Use well-known NgRx Store Actions

export const ticketActions = createActionGroup({
  source: 'tickets',
  events: {
    'flights load': props<FlightFilter>(),
    'flights loaded': props<{ flights: Flight[] }>(),
    'flights loaded by passenger': props<{ flights: Flight[] }>(),
    'flight update': props<{ flight: Flight }>(),
    'flights clear': emptyProps()

Map Actions to Methods

export const { provideFlightStore, injectFlightStore } =
  createReduxState('flight', FlightStore, store => withActionMappers(
        // Filtered Action
        // Side-Effect
        // Result Action
        // Filtered Actions
        ticketActions.flightsLoaded, ticketActions.flightsLoadedByPassenger,
        // State Updater Method (like Reducers)
      mapAction(ticketActions.flightUpdate, store.updateFlight),
      mapAction(ticketActions.flightsClear, store.clearFlights),

Register an Angular Dependency Injection Provider

export const appRoutes: Route[] = [
    path: 'flight-search-redux-connector',
    providers: [provideFlightStore()],
    component: FlightSearchReducConnectorComponent

Use the Store in your Component

  standalone: true,
  imports: [
  selector: 'demo-flight-search-redux-connector',
  templateUrl: './flight-search.component.html',
export class FlightSearchReducConnectorComponent {
  private store = injectFlightStore();

  protected flights = this.store.flightEntities;

  protected search() {
        from: this.localState.filter.from(),
        to: this.localState.filter.to()

  protected reset(): void {


Why is the version range to the @ngrx/signals dependency so strict?

The strict version range for @ngrx/signals is necessary because some of our features rely on encapsulated types, which can change even in a patch release.

To ensure stability, we clone these internal types and run integration tests for each release. This rigorous testing means we may need to update our version, even for a patch release, to maintain compatibility and stability.

I have an idea for a new extension, can I contribute?

Yes, please! We are always looking for new ideas and contributions.

Since we don't want to bloat the library, we are very selective about new features. You also have to provide the following:

  • Good test coverage so that we can update it properly and don't have to call you 😉.
  • A use case showing the feature in action in the demo app of the repository.
  • An entry to the README.md.

This project uses pnpm to manage dependencies and run tasks (for local development and CI).

I require a feature that is not available in a lower version. What should I do?

Please create an issue. Very likely, we are able to cherry-pick the feature into the lower version.