
Data formats are not included

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Data formats are not considered, for another languages (not English), as it happens to numbers or currencies.

Here is an example in Spanish.

@ValentinH, maybe didn't you understand this trouble?

Sorry, I missed this issue. However, I don't really understand what's the issue. Also your demo isn't working as it's missing the step and precision to work with floating numbers.

The problem is that each culture has an own system of data writing. Your implementation (and many others) is USA-centrist. To avoid this, AngularJS solutions it with $locale service.

My example is only to demostrate differences between native filters (right way) and your slider (wrong). Don't care floatings!

I don't really like the way you request help... But I'm in a nice mood today so I'll help you anyway:
The default is USA-centrist but we provide a translate function that enables the developer to choose how values are displayed on the slider.

Here's a demo:

I think you misunderstood me while I was respectful with you.

I proposed you a automatic mechanism. A customized function (like the translate attribute) would be required only in exceptional cases.