Slider directive for AngularJS 1.X. No dependencies and mobile friendly.
- argorootsEstonia
- carlwang87
- cawa0505
- dilip-boradRajkot, Gujarat, India.
- dondreytaylor@Spidr-Inc
- dysenKraków, Lesser Poland
- EbereUzodufaLagos, Nigeria.
- ElavarasanleeIgniteSol
- eusthace811Noid
- fredericksilvaEarth
- GMaxera
- igunTan
- ihabadly
- jasondavis
- Jeremy1980Poland , Silesian
- jhcloos
- KieranDotCo@SciBiteLtd
- kinopsis
- kishoreaoechennai
- lyurko
- m-e-conroyState University of New York at Buffalo
- maciekkus
- mastermind1981
- mleanosBerkeley, CA
- MrPetruVancouver, BC, Canada
- nachaos-zz
- Nighttyrant
- nilsFKNorrköping
- piotrdz
- rqiu
- rzajacKraków, Poland
- SpiesInOrbitDallas
- summer-2014
- ValentinH@elba-security
- xgrommxUkraine
- yangheng