
Breaking on upgrading to 6.6.1 from 6.5.1

stripathix opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Getting error on upgrading from 6.5.1 to 6.6.1. Are there any breaking changes released in 6.6.1?

angular.js:14961 TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of null
at Slider.bindEvents (rzslider.js:1881)
at Slider.manageEventsBindings (rzslider.js:795)
at Slider.init (rzslider.js:380)
at new Slider (rzslider.js:348)
at (rzslider.js:2670)
at angular.js:1393
at angular.js:10676
at wa (angular.js:10682)
at p (angular.js:10071)
at angular.js:10410 "


screen shot 2018-07-02 at 11 54 34 pm

Sorry for this error. Could you try to share an example showing the error please?

Actually, I just noticed that this version should be a breaking change if you use a custom template. Is it your case?

Yes, I am using a custom template. Thanks for the update. It works after adding below html node in my template:

<span class="rz-pointer rz-pointer-min" ng-style=minPointerStyle> <span class="rz-ruleset-pointer" background-color="minPointerStyle.backgroundColor" slider-rule ng-style="{'color': '#fff'}" > </span> </span>