
rzSliderTpl.html not found

binggiry opened this issue · 2 comments

I want to render a slidebar that can NOT be edited.
my code is like the following.
I have error like

GET http://localhost:8081/rzSliderTpl.html?v=1530646338472 404 (Not Found) angular.min.js:103
Error: [$compile:tpload]$compile/tpload?p0=rzSliderTpl.html&p1=404&p2=Not%20Found angular.min.js:117

my angularjs-slide version is 1.1.0

How can I fix this error?

$scope.slider = {
value: 24,
options: {
readyOnly: true,
disabled: true,
floor: 1,
ceil: 24,

      <rzslider name="mySlider"

Demo: (fork this example and update the link)

Expected behaviour

Tell us what should happen

Actual behaviour

Tell us what happens instead

If you are really using the version 1.1.0, you should really upgrade to the latest one (6.6.1). There were so many changes since that version.

Closing as there was no answer for a while. Comment to re-open 😉