
slider pointers do not resize (reposition) after parent div resize

rawbeans opened this issue · 4 comments

When the parent div of a slider is resized, some of the slider elements resize with it, but the rz-pointer elements do not.

Correctly resizes:

  • rz-slider (outer container)
  • full length rz-bar-wrapper rz-bar

Does not resize:

  • rz-left-out-selection
  • rz-right-out-selection
  • rz-pointer

However after interacting with the pointers (clicking on the slider, or dragging the pointers) they update to correct positions


Resize works fine on window resize, but not parent div resize.

This is because this library only listen on window resize event. For other events, you have to tell the library when the refresh. Use .

Why is the library not exposing a function to be able to re-validate the size from the parent controller like this plonker demo?

Indeed this could be possible. What problem does it solves that is not solved by the rzSliderForceRender event though?

Closing as there was no answer for a while. Comment to re-open 😉