
Cant type into input box

Nojil opened this issue · 0 comments

Nojil commented

I have 3 input boxes used to calculate a monthly loan payment, they are loan amount(0-100000), life of loan(0-80) and interest rate(0-10). Interest rate needs to be a decimal for example 3.25. When i add step as 0.1 and precision 3 it wont allow me to type in 3.25 into the input box.

For the loan amount i put the step to 1000, this wont allow me to change the input box to 1234 for example.

Expected behaviour

I can use the slider to adjust an input box value that will allow me to change am int value and decimal value

Actual behaviour

if there is a step associate with the slider it wont allow you to input anything into the input box that goes against the step.