- 1
Do not support import?
#431 opened by shaodahong - 2
Please publish all version to NPM
#430 opened by nmccready - 1
- 0
I am using ui-mask and the value for 9 gets replaces for all number 1-9(digits). how can i just restrict mask to have only 9 as a value
#428 opened by vizart87 - 3
- 12
- 2
Can we get ui-highlight back?
#427 opened by oliversalzburg - 3
ui.keypress not add bower.
#426 opened by hetz - 1
unique filter
#425 opened by matthieusieben - 4
- 2
Bower install does not contain dist any more
#424 opened by r00tat - 2
Bower 2.0.0 version does not contain build
#423 opened by SamMorrowDrums - 2
Update bower references to use bower registry names
#420 opened by ProLoser - 4
Demo page issues / where are the old modules
#421 opened by blowsie - 5
- 2
Validation pass-through
#357 opened by ZIJ - 1
failed to grunt build the phantomjs package
#366 opened by EnergeticPixels - 1
ui-uploader query parameters support
#368 opened by samypr100 - 2
ui utils build fails on Windows 7
#391 opened by VivekGhodekar - 1
Provider for configuring ui-uploader HTTP headers / using $http instead XMLHttpRequest
#397 opened by dunmaksim - 0
Datepicker value not updated in html
#358 opened by Saabertooth - 0
datepicker doesn't work inside tabs
#369 opened by workino - 1
Please add ignore field to bower.json
#409 opened by ndikan - 4
- 3
opt out of placeholder masking
#377 opened by sean-roberts - 1
ui-mask: erratic behaviour when user types wrong mask (chrome 43 & firefox 38)
#418 opened by gerlstar - 2
scrollfix does not correctly adapt to window resizing
#382 opened by machow - 1
How to manualy trigger ui-scrollfix
#379 opened by aligin - 1
- 1
uiScroll: horizontal scrolling?
#411 opened by oreenge - 2
ui-scroll [TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null] when leaving the view with the scroll
#413 opened by franky-continu - 1
UI-Scroll how to make the first record appear?
#416 opened by HeavenGoGo - 2
UI-Scroll how to call revision function manully ?
#417 opened by HeavenGoGo - 1
uiScroll keeps loading data indefinitely
#410 opened by oreenge - 1
Can't install sources from bower
#403 opened by masterspambot - 0
module name mispelled in doc?
#400 opened by YogurtShen - 2
Unable to add custom data to request
#398 opened - 3
- 2
$apply already in progress - tooltip
#385 opened by jacobscarter - 0
#396 opened by wolsk1 - 1
- 0
ui-scroll doesn't support child directive
#387 opened by HeavenGoGo - 2
Dynamic mask
#381 opened by Bana0615 - 1 v0.2.3 (2015-03-30)
#378 opened by mrtnjln - 3
Add ui-uploader documentation
#374 opened by ehmicky - 1
element.scope() is not allowed when $compileProvider.debugInfoEnabled(false);
#376 opened by odyss009 - 1
- 1
datepicker date problem
#367 opened by workino - 1
Credit Card Mask
#364 opened by Bana0615 - 1