
Incorrect "Host" header being forwarded in Selenium requests

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I believe WebdriverProxy is incorrectly forwarding the Host header from originalRequest here:

The headers from originalRequest includes the Host header which is set to the host of the blocking proxy server (eg. localhost:xxxxx). When this forwarded along in the request to selenium, some selenium servers can reject the request since the Host is unknown. I believe this should be explicitly omitted from options.headers so it will corrected be inserted by Node Http.

@heathkit I put up the linked PR, please take a look when you get a chance. Thanks!

thanks for the quick response @heathkit, do you know when this fix will be released? It is currently breaking our protractor tests

Hi @heathkit, wondering if you had any updates on when the fix will be released?

@heathkit @juliemr reaching out again to see if either of you have an ETA for releasing this fix?