don't reformat regexp /litterals/
vicb opened this issue · 18 comments
The failing code is available in
Could you give a short example of the code that fails? It's a bit hard to dig out of an entire Angular tree.
see my branch above, specifically
and the few regexps below
So I find two issues.
Wraps before }
var re = /polyfill-next-selector[^+}]*content:[\s]*?['"](.*?)['"][;\s]*}([^{]*?){/gim;
Trailing /g
screws up subsequent expressions:
var x = / "/g;
If there's anything else wrong, please paste the actual failing regular expression into this issue; it's too hard to find some incorrect formatting in the messy github diff with lots of other changes.
var x = / "/g;
shoud be var x = /"/g;
(no leading space)
And that should be it.
There is actually one more occurrence now with the latest clang.
Look for TODO(vicb): see
in the PR
// TODO(vicb): see
// clang-format off
var _cssContentNextSelectorRe =
var _cssContentRuleRe =
RegExpWrapper.create('(polyfill-rule)[^}]*(content:[\\s]*[\'"](.*?)[\'"])[;\\s]*[^}]*}', 'im');
var _cssContentUnscopedRuleRe = RegExpWrapper.create(
'(polyfill-unscoped-rule)[^}]*(content:[\\s]*[\'"](.*?)[\'"])[;\\s]*[^}]*}', 'im');
var _cssContentUnscopedRuleRe =
// clang-format on
// TODO(vicb): see
// clang-format off
/\/deep\//g, // former >>>
/\/shadow-deep\//g, // former /deep/
/\/shadow\//g, // former ::shadow
// clanf-format on
// TODO(vicb): see -> /"/g
// clang-format off
private static _quoteRegExp = /["]/g;
// clang-format on
These all seem to work fine, with the sole exception of having a RegExp as a top level expression, e.g.
But that code is never useful, so I think we should just ignore it for the moment.
These all seem to work fine
What do you mean ???
If I enable clang-formatting by removing the comments and format the code above with clang-format 1.0.25, the result is ok, except for the top level regexp expressions.
Or am I missing something?
Let me re-check but the one in the middle is new after having rebased yesterday.
npm i
The new one still fails (former are fine now)
$ gulp enforce-format
Dart SDK detected:
[11:27:47] Using gulpfile ~/dart/angular/gulpfile.js
[11:27:47] Starting 'enforce-format'...
[11:28:03] WARNING: Files are not properly formatted. Please run
[11:28:03] ./node_modules/clang-format/index.js -i -style="file" /home/victor/dart/angular/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/shadow_css.ts
[11:28:03] (using clang-format version 1.0.25)
- /\/deep\//g, // former >>>
- /\/shadow-deep\//g, // former /deep/
- /\/shadow\//g, // former ::shadow
+ /\/deep\// g, // former >>>
+ /\/shadow - deep\// g, // former /deep/
+ /\/shadow\// g, // former ::shadow
shadow - deep, no it's not a minus op
Original code is:
var _shadowDOMSelectorsRe = [
// Deprecated selectors
// TODO(vicb): see
// clang-format off
/\/deep\//g, // former >>>
/\/shadow-deep\//g, // former /deep/
/\/shadow\//g, // former ::shadow
// clanf-format on
So the actual code that fails formatting is (without the // clang-format off
var _shadowDOMSelectorsRe = [
/\/deep\//g, // former >>>
/\/shadow-deep\//g, // former /deep/
/\/shadow\//g, // former ::shadow
I just released clang-format v1.0.26 that should fix this.