- 5
Bundle executable for linux_arm64
#80 opened by elle-j - 3
Request to update clang binaries
#79 opened by mattsoulanille - 4
upgrade to latest clang-format
#82 opened by fs-eire - 2
clang-format: missing BraceWrapping configuration for multiline initialization list
#81 opened by alejandroclaro - 0
- 3
v1.7.0 does not work on intel macs
#78 opened by mikehardy - 8
Upgrade to Clang 12
#68 opened by benny-medflyt - 3
yarn.lock vs. package-lock.json
#75 opened by Trott - 2
Incorrect formating of ||= logical or assignment
#73 opened by juanpablius - 4
allow nodejs shebang for 'bin' file
#28 opened by alexeagle - 2
update clang-format binaries to latest version
#67 opened by 43081j - 2
Unexpected formatting of `as const` cast
#64 opened by bgotink - 2
- 1
- 3
Configuration file(s) do(es) not support C++
#58 opened by vdegenne - 7
npm dist-tag latest is 1.0.41-b
#52 opened by bgotink - 1
Incorrect formatting with type casting and intersection type when lines exceed a certain length
#47 opened by nweldev - 1
Incorrect formatting of class extends expression
#34 opened by jbms - 3
- 0
- 11
msvcp140.dll is missing on Windows
#48 opened by FabienDehopre - 1
- 6
- 2
`for async` loops
#44 opened by rictic - 1
Incorrect formatting of rxjs of operator
#43 opened by DzmitryShylovich - 5
- 1
- 1
Make it possible to read .clang-format if any
#41 opened by ibc - 4
- 2
Possible speed boost ?
#37 opened by vicb - 1
Wrong formatting
#39 opened by vicb - 2
incorrect: return parts as[string, string];
#36 opened by vicb - 2
`as` get clang lost
#35 opened by vicb - 1
- 2
- 2
runtime assertion fails
#31 opened by vicb - 3
Inconsistent handling of Decorators
#30 opened by juergenzimmermann - 9
don't single-line annotations
#19 opened by IgorMinar - 1
Spaces in import statements
#29 opened by juergenzimmermann - 5
- 3
Format type alias properly
#22 opened by cironunes - 1
don't break line for union types
#15 opened by vicb - 9
- 1
- 3
Allow wildcards (globbing)
#21 opened by alexeagle - 6
Abusive use of indentation
#20 opened by Foxandxss - 8
flip-flop ! (template string formatting is unstable)
#13 opened by vicb - 18
don't reformat regexp /litterals/
#16 opened by vicb - 6
enum formatting
#14 opened by vicb - 2
Weird formatting with arrow functions
#12 opened by vicb