
npm dist-tag latest is 1.0.41-b

bgotink opened this issue · 7 comments

The npm latest dist-tag is currently 1.0.41-b, but there are already versions higher than 1.0.41.
Is this by design—i.e. should we use version 1.0.41-b instead of a later version—or should the dist-tag be moved to version 1.2.1?

Also would be great to know the clang versions of the binaries in this package. Maybe mention them in the The clang-format installed via homebrew, for the same style (google), behaves differently than the clang-format in this package.

I find @latest pointing at 1.2.1, maybe some caching went wrong or you accidentally looked at the local versions?

$ npm ls -r clang-format@latest
clang-format@1.2.1 /Users/martinprobst/lsrc/node-clang-format

@dsmilkov you can always get the clang-format version using ./bin/[arch]/clang-format --version. I think that's easier than updating some README that's bound to go out of date. I've sent a PR to make that a bit more accessible.

@mprobst I am also experiencing this issue. Installing latest gives us 1.0.41-c.

FYI: As of right now, this is what is showing as the version history:


@vicb I see that you did something here, maybe you messed up the released versions?

@mrfishy @PsychicCat I think this might also be a misunderstanding wrt. @latest in npm. According to the docs, @latest is the last version that was published (which is 1.0.41-c apparently), not the highest version number version available (1.2.2). So this may be working as intended, and you might need to npm install clang-format@1.2 or just npm install clang-format.

I see, npm install clang-format actually takes @latest, not the highest version. Odd.

I've manually reset the @latest tag to 1.2.3 just now, so things should be back to working. @vicb something to keep in mind for the next release that we make on a branch, I guess.