- 5
macroTask 'setInterval': can not transition to 'running', expecting state 'scheduled', was 'notScheduled'
#1167 opened by FDIM - 1
initialize must be fault tolerant
#1096 opened by syncro - 4
[Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking 'wheel' event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive.
#1097 opened by tjgeni - 3
TypeScript 2.9 support
#1104 opened by mprobst - 1
- 2
App keep calling this
#1117 opened by mpadierna - 9
- 0
#1123 opened by yaojiafeng - 3
Compatibility with native Promise.race
#1130 opened by robwalch - 1
Unable to run unit test in Angular 5 - ng test
#1141 opened by sivarajthava - 4
Why doesn't an unresolved promise schedule a macrotask after calling the executor?
#1142 opened by captaincaius - 13
- 5
[Deprecation] document.registerElement is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019.
#1160 opened by peteichuk - 12
Error: ReferenceError: Zone is not defined
#1174 opened by papushe - 2
Upgrading to karma 3.0.0, failure of test cases
#1187 opened by ossdev07 - 3
microTask 'Promise.then': can not transition to 'running', expecting state 'scheduled', was 'scheduling'.
#1189 opened by earshinov - 2
Evergreen bundle missing in dist
#1196 opened by benjamincombes - 4
Angular elements in another angular project: ERROR Error: Expected to not be in Angular Zone, but it is!
#1235 opened by shai93 - 8
window.Zone Already Defined by Other Library
#1237 opened by stevewithington - 11
Upgrade this repo and add support to Jasmine 3.3
#1184 opened by IgorMinar - 13
Illegal invocation using patched XMLHttpRequest
#1223 opened by sdc395 - 2
HTMLCanvasElement.toBlob() is no longer patched in 0.9.1
#1240 opened by zbream - 6
WTF_ISSUE_555 loop garbage collection / unfunctional
#1244 opened by sod - 0
SyntaxError: Unexpected token
#1233 opened by CharlesYuCH - 8
Patched bluebird does not provide data to promise chain
#1112 opened by jrabbe - 4
- 1
ServiseWorker compatiblitity issues in 0.9.0
#1212 opened by IgorMinar - 0
- 5
- 2
- 5
Cannot assign to read only property 'message'
#1155 opened by staeke - 1
- 1
Suspicious code in promise.ts
#1168 opened by shicks - 14
Firefox Add-on TypeError: "fetch" is read-only
#1115 opened by saiumesh-apty - 0
- 2
Missing tag for v0.8.27 release
#1177 opened by bschlosser - 8
makeAddListener breaks when the Event Name is a Symbol
#1110 opened by jreidgreer - 0
- 5
- 9
Node Process crashes with 'Call stack exceeded' error in zone-node on Node 10
#1164 opened by justinappler - 5
Patch decodeAudioData
#1165 opened by maximedupre - 4
drainMicroTaskQueue infinite loop Angular 6 safari
#1154 opened by nategurian - 7
- 3
- 4
How to ignore on properties with lazy loaded library
#1137 opened by egaoneko - 6
window.onerror signature is incorrect
#1108 opened by jbedard - 0
- 1
- 4
ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error Error at XMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange [as
#1103 opened by ishan123456789 - 4
Zone throws access deny error
#1100 opened by AndyLex