The official Material Design components for AngularDart. Used at Google in production apps.
- 0
DateRangeEditorComponent unknown popupHandle input
#458 opened by karelric - 1
- 1
Currently Incompatible with Dart 12.14.x
#509 opened by charliem - 4
Null safety
#506 opened by jodinathan - 2
Failure to resolve dependencies in Dart 2.12.0
#496 opened by parnham - 1
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material-dropdown-select not showing error message when form model validation fails
#452 opened by Antoniossss - 5
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Please update to support dart
#464 opened by insinfo - 0
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Expand/collapse items in MaterialListComponent
#467 opened by muzuro - 1
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Please Update material components
#466 opened by DartViet - 9
Use of protocol buffers
#440 opened by erikhugintech - 1
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Update to new version of MDC
#463 opened by kleinpetr - 0
- 6
Material menu usage cause `Expected a value of type 'Null', but got one of type 'bool'`
#445 opened by muzuro - 1
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Readme broken links
#446 opened by Timmmm - 0
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material-dropdown-select changes its state to touched on focus instead of on blur
#453 opened by Antoniossss - 1
material-dropdown-select does not work with reactive forms ngFormGroup, ngControl, ngFormControl
#451 opened by Antoniossss - 0
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Not clear how to use material input
#448 opened by Timmmm - 1
Trying to hide a step I get the warning: "The content does not match any transclusion selectors of the surrounding component"
#442 opened by giorgiofran - 0
yesText in material-stepper seems not to work.
#438 opened by giorgiofran - 3
Cannot select material-select items
#441 opened by GowthamF - 0
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MenuItem gallery example needs to be updated from deprecated action to actionWithConext
#437 opened by supermuka - 1
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material-checkbox emits wrong event when binding both indeterminate and checked inputs.
#434 opened by whesse - 2
Type error on multiple selection with angular form
#433 opened by e-belair - 1
material-input date format
#432 opened by EugenNekrasov - 4
Can not dynamically change type of MaterialInput
#430 opened by Ninjadeer - 1
MaterialButtonComponent did not have pending input?
#429 opened by oonid - 1
acx-scorecard inside a material-expansionpanel
#427 opened by stephan-gruen - 0
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Google translate breaks many components
#426 opened by iu4u57k3 - 2
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Support for latest build_config
#421 opened by Eddydpyl - 0
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RTL support for tab indicator
#418 opened by hamidrezabstn - 0
labels of disabled and non-disabled material-input multiline component behave in the same way
#417 opened - 0
Setting date to epoch in TimePicker leads to incorrect timezoneoffset during summer time
#416 opened by ayushin - 3