Running angular_components with Dart SDK 2.1.0-dev
JCzz opened this issue · 2 comments
I have installed the latest Dart SDK 2.1.0-dev.7.1 to try out Material design examples. But I am unable to run the examples - like angular_components/examples/material_card_example
I have git cloned the repo and when running webdev serve in one of the samples I get:
webdev could not run for this project.
You must have a dependency on `build_runner` in `pubspec.yaml`.
# pubspec.yaml
build_runner: >=0.8.10 <2.0.0
You must have a dependency on `build_web_compilers` in `pubspec.yaml`.
# pubspec.yaml
build_web_compilers: >=0.3.6 <0.5.0
Do you know how to run the samples?
See also the related discussion on
All of the individual examples haven't been configured to work with the external build system.
Try running webdev serve web
from the angular_components_example subdirectory:
Then navigate to the Material Card section to see the example.