
Genome Analyses - vcf file - Using R. I developed a short pipeline and a function to read and organize the file. Other folders are from collaborators to create a bigger project for this course.

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RaukR - coding project

Genome Analyses - vcf file - Using R

(Folder: Moni-project) This code will help you to read your .vcf file, add names to the columns, and separate the "format" column to work and analyse your data. You can find as well a short presentation using "xarigan" package for R. Enjoy!

Genomic data from one human chromosome in a number of individuals coming from different populations.

File downloaded from the IGSR https://www.internationalgenome.org/data FTP site.

Originally named ALL.chr22.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5b.20130502.genotypes.vcf it is a VCF format file with population allele frequencies of variants on chromosome 22. For size purposes the file supplied in RaukR has been filtered to 20000 random variants across chromosome 22. Data is from 2504 individuals. (Dataset editor: https://github.com/Sebastian-D)

This was part of a bigger collaborative project. You can find the other developer's folders by name: Astrid, Marika, and Zhuang.