
Web interface for Angus.ai services rendering

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Web interface for Angus.ai services rendering


A very simple web server that:
  1. Grab video camera frames
  2. Send it to Angus.ai to analyse
  3. Get back results (states and events)
  4. Add computed information on a new layer (above original video)
  5. Provide a server with 3 endpoints (on port 8888):
  1. http://localhost:8888/mjpeg a video stream with results
  2. http://localhost:8888/notifications an event source endpoint for events
  3. http://localhost:8888/index.html a landing page

Installation and usage

$> pip install angus-web-visu
$> python -m angusvisu.webinterface.server