
CMake build submodule for MOM6-examples

Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Use cmake to build the ocean_only and MOM6-SIS2-coupled configurations of MOM6 with FMS.


  1. Clone this repository to the root folder of MOM6-examples:

    $ git clone https://github.com/angus-g/mom6-cmake-build build_config
  2. Temporary step: The preprocessor conditionals in fft.F90 of FMS do not play well with CMake. Open src/FMS/fft/fft.F90 and copy the contents of line 48 (use fft99_mod, only: fft991, set99 to line 46 (outside the preprocessor conditional block). Save and exit. Alternatively, this can be done with the following command in the root folder:

     sed -i "46i use    fft99_mod, only: fft991, set99" src/FMS/fft/fft.F90
  3. Make directories for debug and release builds:

    $ mkdir build_debug build_release
  4. Use cmake to build the Makefile including paths to dependent libraries.

    On most systems, the automatic configuration will figure out your MPI and NetCDF implementations:

    $ (cd build_debug && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG ../build_config)
    $ (cd build_release && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE ../build_config)

    On some systems (notably NCI's Raijin), the autoconfiguration may have trouble. These alternate commands are tested with openmpi/1.8.8 and netcdf/

    $ (cd build_debug && FC=mpif90 CC=mpicc cmake \
         -DNETCDF_DIR="${NETCDF}" \
         -DNETCDF_F90_INCLUDE_DIR="${NETCDF}/include/Intel" \
         -DNETCDF_F90_LIBRARY="${NETCDF}/lib/Intel/libnetcdff.so" \
    $ (cd build_release && FC=mpif90 CC=mpicc cmake \
         -DNETCDF_DIR="${NETCDF}" \
         -DNETCDF_F90_INCLUDE_DIR="${NETCDF}/include/Intel" \
         -DNETCDF_F90_LIBRARY="${NETCDF}/lib/Intel/libnetcdff.so" \
  5. Build the MOM6 and FMS components, where N is an integer character denoting the number of processes to use for the build process (or omit N to let Make automatically choose):

    $ cd build_debug && make -jN

    This will build the debug FMS and MOM6 modules and executables in their respective subfolders. Change debug to release to build the optimised executable.

    To build a specific configuration of MOM6, ocean-only or coupled with SIS2, use the MOM6 (i.e. make -jN MOM6) or MOM6-SIS2-coupled targets.