MINIROCKET: A Very Fast (Almost) Deterministic Transform for Time Series Classification
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I would like to know how a random bias afects the PPV in a caracteritics map
#32 opened by yeraypalma - 1
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Channels get lost
#30 opened by lgalarra - 1
how to use minirocket in production
#29 opened by ramdhan1989 - 0
padding problem
#28 opened by presburger - 3
Accuracy problem
#27 opened by abolfazlzamanii - 1
pls help to understand how your this repo code related to sktime.transformers.series_as_features.rocket
#25 opened by Sandy4321 - 7
Can't reproduce the accuracy of 'EOGHorizontalSignal' dataset in UCR109 based on original 'MINIROCKET' exmples
#26 opened by firrice - 13
Feature Transformation
#24 opened by rubbiyasultan - 1
Need example to use variable ROCKET
#23 opened by ramdhan1989 - 2
Datatype Error
#22 opened by Haoxiang-Sun-BioEng - 0
Port to R language
#21 opened by mvt-oviedo - 13
#17 opened by dfx1822375 - 3
Can't set random_state when doing a gridsearchCV
#14 opened by StijnBr - 1
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is the code handle the padding right?
#20 opened by presburger - 0
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some question about multivarible version.
#18 opened by presburger - 1
Are and the implementation for the same Mini-Rocket algorithm?
#15 opened by dbq233 - 1
is is necessary to normalize data when use minirocket multivariable version?
#16 opened by presburger - 2
Unlabeled data
#13 opened by hyjocean - 1
Minimum length time series
#11 opened by TommasoBendinelli - 2
Feature Size
#12 opened by tdincer - 5
Example of CSV file reading
#9 opened by jumpingfella - 2
minirocket_multivariate extremely slow
#8 opened by turmeric-blend - 2
X_validation not transformed properly?
#7 opened by turmeric-blend - 2
download 10,000+ Training Examples
#6 opened by turmeric-blend - 7
starting with "wide" data
#3 opened by BrannonKing - 1
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TypeError: No matching definition for argument type(s) array(float64, 2d, C), array(int32, 1d, C), array(int32, 1d, C), array(float32, 1d, C)
#1 opened by Huii