
Rest API Client for DjangoRestFramework based site

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Django Rest Framework Python API Package

Build Status PyPI version

A python library for interacting with any Django web server base on django-rest-framework

Package is based on https://github.com/samgiles/slumber, but enhanced to support tokens and other features.


  • Support for tokens. Both

    • django-rest-framework's own tokens: rest_framework.authentication.TokenAuthentication
    • JWT tokens: rest_framework_jwt.authentication.JSONWebTokenAuthentication
  • Support for arguments (e.g. ?name1=val1&name2=val2)

  • Support for custom methods (e.g. ``/ap1/v1/object/custom/`)


restframeworkclient requires the following modules.

* Python 3.7+
* requests


python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenv/drf_client
source ~/.virtualenv/drf_client/bin/activate
pip install django-rest-framework-client

Usage Guide


from drf_client.connection import Api as RestApi

options = {
    'DOMAIN': '',
    'API_PREFIX': 'api/v1',
    'TOKEN_TYPE': 'jwt',
    'TOKEN_FORMAT': 'JWT {token}',
    'USERNAME_KEY': 'username',
    'LOGIN': 'auth/login/',
    'LOGOUT': 'auth/logout/',
    'USE_DASHES': False,    # Set to True to tell API to replace undercore ("_") with dashes ("-")

c = RestApi(options)

ok = c.login(username=username, password=password)
if ok:

    # GET some data
    my_object = c.myresourcename.get()
    for obj in my_object['results']:

    payload = {
        'data1': 'val1',
        'data2': 'val2',

    resp = c.myresourcename.post(data=payload)

    # If the URL includes "-", add under parenthesis:
    # GET: /api/v1/someresource/some-path/
    my_object = c.someresource('some-path').get()

Django Setup

Client assumes by default that all urls should end with a slash (tested with the default router: routers.DefaultRouter())

Apart from the regular Django and Rest Framework setup, this package currently relies on the following custom login and logout API functions:

class AccountSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = User
        fields = ('id', 'email', 'username')

class APILogoutViewSet(APIView):
    permission_classes = (permissions.IsAuthenticated,)

    def post(self, request, format=None):
        return Response({}, status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^auth/logout/$', APILogoutViewSet.as_view(), name='api-logout'),


BaseMain Helper

This class helps write a script with a flexible template that helps avoid having to duplicate boiler plate code from script to script.

The class assumes that most scripts include the basic folliwing flow:

# Parse arguments
# Setup LOG configuration
# Login
# Do something after logging in

The opinionated class will execute the basic main flow:

   # Initialize arguments and LOG in the init function
   # Add additional arguments by implemenenting self.add_extra_args()
   self.domain = self.get_domain()
   self.api = Api(self.domain)
   ok = self.login()
   if ok:

Any of the above functions can be overwritten by derving from this class.

Here is a sample script:

from drf_client.helper.base_main import BaseMain

class MyScript(BaseMain):

    def add_extra_args(self):
        # Add extra positional argument (as example)
        self.parser.add_argument('foo', metavar='foo', type=str, help='RTFM')

    def before_login(self):

    def after_login(self):
        # Main function to OVERWITE and do real work
        do_some_real_work(self.api, self.args)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    work = MyScript()

Given the above script, you will run it with

python myscript.py -u <USERNAME> --foo bar


To test, run python setup.py test or to run coverage analysis:

python3 -m venv .virtualenv/drf_client
source .virtualenv/drf_client/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-test.txt
pip install -e .

coverage run --source=iotile_cloud setup.py test
coverage report -m

You can also use py.test:


CI Deployment

  1. Update setup.py with new version
  2. Update CHANGELOG.md with description of new version
  3. Create new tag with same version
git tag v0.4.1 -m "v0.4.1"
git push --tags
  1. Create new release using GitHub Web Site. Github action will run automatically to deploy to PyPi.

Manual Deployment

pip install -r requirements-build.txt

python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
twine check dist/*
# Publish
twine upload dist/*