React + Vite

This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.

Currently, two official plugins are available:


This is my first creation of personal website that focuses on my two main career path. The design of this website focuses on utilizing the 'backdrop-filter' and using colors from the background images. The design aims to be minimal and clean.

The website is composed of 2 main directories: Software and Acting

  • the software portfolio will feature my completed and renovated apps, that includes freelance projects and in class activities
  • the Acting Portfolio will feature my film reels or links to them and exercises I've done with friends.
  • Social links will be always visible regardless of the portfolio opened.
  • the background images also feature theme related to each portfolio.


  1. create basic css and used Instagram API (limited access token)

Future update ideas:

  • make a separate nav bar for acting portfolio (done: used a conditional statement instead)
  • make instagram part of photo portfolio
  • create a timeline for acting career
  • create reel section
  • About Me page to
