
Java implementation of a Distributed Hash Table.

Primary LanguageHTML

Chord DHT

Java implementation of a Distributed Hash Table. This project is part of the course ID2212 Network Programming with Java at KTH.

⚠️ Note

This project was only meant for personal/educational use. It is not and will probably never be suitable for production use.


To compile (JDK 7): javac -d bin -sourcepath src src/dht/.java javac -d bin -sourcepath src src/tests/.java

To run the test application (tests/DistributedStorage): java tests.DistributedStorage [localname] | [localname, remotename, remotehost, remoteport]

Using the single argument [localname] will create a small local network, which can be identified with the given name.

Using the arguments [localname, remotename, remotehost, remoteport] will create a local node with the name localname,
and connect to a network specified by remotehost and remoteport. Remotename must be registered in the remote host's
RMI registry

A more detailed description of the program, its' interfaces and performance evaluation can be found in the javadoc or the written report.