Fuzzy find and navigate to your starred repositories, straight outta vim.
Stargazer utilizes the Octokit gem to pull down your starred repositories, and utilizes fzf to fuzzy find those starred repositories. You'll need to install fzf and install Octokit via:
gem install octokit
Then, install the required vim plugins using vim-plug:
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'dir': '~/.fzf', 'do': './install --all' }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
Plug 'anhari/vim-stargazer'
This plugin has three commands:
:FetchStars <github_username>
:OpenRepository <github_username>/<repository_name>
The heart of this plugin lies in the :Stargaze
command, which will allow you
to fuzzy find (using fzf) a repository you have starred on GitHub and navigate
to its page on GitHub on selection. Before using this command, you'll have to
populate these stars using the :FetchStars <github_username
:FetchStars <github_username>
This will fetch and store a list of your starred repositories in
Fuzzy find a repository from your list of starred repositories, created via the
:OpenRepository <github_username>/<repository_name>
Open a specific repository, i.e.: :OpenRepository anhari/vim-stargazer
You also have the option to navigate directly to a repository's README by setting the following global vim variable:
let g:StargazerNavigateToREADME = 1