I provide the R code for 02 take-home projects in non-parametric course (Master 2, EEE, TSE). This repository includes the following code files, corresponding to [Mai-Anh Dang] Report-2.pdf
and [Mai-Anh Dang] Report-1.pdf
Report | Code files |
Report-1 | mean_regression.R |
Report-1 | simulation_kernel.R |
Report-1 | density_estimate.R |
---------------------- | ---------------------------- |
Report-2 | dWADE.R |
Report-2 | nonparam_bootstraps.R |
Report-2 | qtile_reg_BG90.R |
The theoretical and formal equations behind each methods and code files could be found in the associated reports. The methods covered include:
- Kernel Estimator
- Mean Regression Functions: Local Constant, Local Linear
- Density-weighted Average Derivative Estimator (dWADE)
- Bootstraps to construct Confident Interval for non-parametric estimates
- Bhattacharya and Gangopadhyay (1990) estimator
- Quantile Regressions
These mentioned methods are conducted and assessed through both simulations and pratical applications, using the below data:
- GDP 2005 and 2016
- Annual Household Income and Food Expenditure in Belgium
- House Price and Other Charactersitics
The nonparametric kernel estimators do not fit the true density perfectly, but performing quite well, even for the small sample of n = 100. When n increase, order of error decrease. For the large sample n = 1000, the estimated density is closer to the true curve.
We use the Pivotal Bootstraps approach to construct the CIs for density estimates on GDP.xlsx
. Based on these interval, we test the null hypotheses visually.
To estimate the expected Food Expenditure at a given level of Income, on the data set Engel.dta
To estimate the expected Income at a given level of Food Expenditure, on the data set Engel.dta
This method is applied n the data set anglin.gencay.1996.csv
for a hedonic analysis, describing the relationship between housing price and observed characteristics.