
Replicate the results of nowcasting housing sales by Google Queries, using Bayesian Structural Time-Series Model (Choi & Varian, 2009, 2012).

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Google Queries for Nowcasting New Housing Sales

Replicate the results of nowcasting housing sales by Google Queries, using Bayesian Structural Time-Series Model (Choi & Varian, 2009, 2012).


Nowcasting - The needs of timely estimating current values (Housing Sales), which are usually available with publication lags motivates to use the Google Queries (nearly real-time (as potential predictors). By Google Correlate, we can derive the hundred of google "keywords" searching most correlated with our target time-series (Housing Sales).

Bayesian Structural Time Series (BSTS) method

This decompose the target time series into different components: i) Time Components (Trend, Seasonality, etc.); ii) Regression Component (Google Predictors)

  1. Structural Time-series model (Kalman Filter) for time components
  2. Spike-and-Slab Regression for regression components
  3. Markov Cahin Monte Carlo Simulation

This method enables us to decompose the time-series and analyse the contribution of each components to the target time-series alt text

Incremental Fit Plot of Housing Sales, by adding respectively:

  • Trend
  • Seasonality
  • First and Second Important Google Keywords

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High-dimentsional Google Queries

One should bear in mind the nature of this data is high-dimensional. Not all google queries are meaningful predictors. We need a mechanism for variables selections, and Spike-and-Slab approach is used. Predictors with high inclusion probabiliries are more important. alt text