
This repo is to introduce some basic applications of Python in Finance and Portfolio Management

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Interactive notebooks live at: Binder

This repo is to introduce the fundamental applications of Python in Finance and Portfolio Management. The contents include:

Contents Filename Contents
1 Time Value of Money 11-PV-FV.py NPV, PV, FV, Payback Period of Cashflows, Assets
2 Bond and Stock 21-APR-EAR.py Annual Percentage Rate, Effective Period/Annual Rates
22-Term-Structure.py Yield-to-Maturity, Spread, Duration
3 CAPM.py Capital Asset Pricing Model
4 Multifactor-Performance.py Fama-French Factors Model
5 Portfolio-Theory.py Optimize Portfolio
6 MonteCarlo-Simulation.py Simulate the movement
7 CreditRisk-Analysis.py Estimate market values