
The project I submitted to DataCamp Certification case study

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The project I submitted to DataCamp Certification case study The link to the presentation is here : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1e_z4um7D2-GNHf10qtbRsDZbAM_V3xMDOfUOudRRTrk/edit?usp=sharing

Case Study Project - Travel Insurance You are working for a travel insurance company. Due to the COVID pandemic they have had to make cuts to their marketing budget. It is more important than ever that they advertise in the right places and to the right people.

They have plenty of data on their current customers as well as people who got quotes but never bought insurance. They want to know if there are differences in the travel habits between customers and non-customers - they believe they are more likely to travel often (buying tickets from frequent flyer miles) and travel abroad. They would be interested in any other insights you can find that might help the marketing strategy. Your presentation should be no longer than ten minutes. It should include no more than eight slides of content. You will be presenting to the CEO.

Data You can use any tools that you wish to analyze the data and create your presentation.

The dataset has the following columns:

Age : Numeric, the customer’s age Employment Type : Character, the sector of employment GraduateOrNot : Character, whether the customer is a college graduate AnnualIncome : Numeric, the customer’s yearly income FamilyMembers: Numeric, the number of family members living with the customer ChronicDiseases : Numeric, whether the customer has any chronic conditions FrequentFlyer : Character, whether a customer books frequent tickets EverTravelledAbroad : Character, has the customer ever travelled abroad TravelInsurance : Numeric, whether the customer bought travel insurance