
SQLite3 wrapper library for Swift.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


Hoon H., 2014/09/16


This provides SQLite3 database access on Swift.

  • Auto-completion friendly query methods. No manual query command composition.
  • Array and dictionary based input/output access manner.
  • Automatically supports nested transactions.

Getting Started

Embed the project as a subproject of your project, and link iOS dynamic framewor target. If you need to target iOS 7, then you have to copy the source files manually into your project. Because Swift is not currently supporting static library target. (Xcode 6.0.1)

How to Use

Schematic illustration.

	import EonilSQLite3

	///	Create new mutable database in memory.
	let	db1	=	Database(location: Database.Location.Memory, mutable: true)
	func tx1()
		///	Create a new table.
		db1.schema().create(table: "T1", column: ["c1"])
		///	Make a single table accessor object.
		let	t1	=	db1.table(name: "T1")
		///	Insert a new row.
		t1.insert(rowWith: ["c1":"V1"])
		///	Verify by selecting all current rows.
		let	rs1	=	t1.select()
		assert(rs1.count == 1)
		assert(rs1[0]["c1"]! as String == "V1")
		///	Update the row.
		t1.update(rowsWithAllOf: ["c1":"V1"], bySetting: ["c1":"W2"])
		///	Verify!
		let	rs2	=	t1.select()
		assert(rs2.count == 1)
		assert(rs2[0]["c1"]! as String == "W2")
		///	Delete the row.
		t1.delete(rowsWithAllOf: ["c1":"W2"])
		///	Verify!
		let	rs3	=	t1.select()
		assert(rs3.count == 0)
	///	Perform a transaction with multiple commands.

You always perform operations in a transaction. It's not allowed to run any operation without transaction.

Nested transaction is also supported.

	let	db1	=	Database(location: Database.Location.Memory, mutable: true)
	///	Out-most transaction.
	func tx1()
		db1.schema().create(table: "T1", column: ["c1"])
		let	t1	=	db1.table(name: "T1")
		///	Outer transaction.
		func tx2() -> Bool
			t1.insert(rowWith: ["c1":"V1"])
			///	Inner transaction.
			func tx3() -> Bool
				///	Update the row.
				t1.update(rowsWithAllOf: ["c1":"V1"], bySetting: ["c1":"W2"])
				///	Verify the update.
				let	rs2	=	t1.select()
				assert(rs2.count == 1)
				assert(rs2[0]["c1"]! as String == "W2")
				///	And rollback.
				return	false
			db1.applyConditionally(transaction: tx3)
			///	Verify inner rollback.
			let	rs2	=	t1.select()
			assert(rs2.count == 1)
			assert(rs2[0]["c1"]! as String == "V1")
			return	false
		///	Verify outer rollback.
		let	rs2	=	t1.select()
		assert(rs2.count == 0)

What about multi-table operations?

Seriously looking for JOIN stuffs on SQLite? Well, those stuffs are not provided as formalized methods, but you do them by executing your own custom SQL query.

	let	db1	=	Database(location: Database.Location.Memory, mutable: true)
	db1.schema().create(table: "T1", column: ["c1"])
	let	t1	=	db1.table(name: "T1")
	t1.insert(rowWith: ["c1":"V1"])
	db1.apply {
		db1.run(query: "SELECT * FROM T1", success: { (data) -> () in
			for row in data
				assert(row[0] as String == "V1")
		}, failure: { (message) -> () in


Good old Objective-C version library still exists in ObjectiveC folder. Anyway, it's completely separated version, and nothing related to Swift version. Swift version is purely Swift based, and interfaces to SQLite3 C API directly.


MIT license.