A curated list of delightful HapiJS packages and resources.
hapi was created around the idea that configuration is better than code, that business logic must be isolated from the transport layer, and that native node constructs like buffers and stream should be supported as first class objects. But most importantly, it was created to provide a modern, comprehensive environment in which as much of the effort is spent delivering business value. (hapi, a Prologue by Eran Hammer )
- learn-hapi - Learn to use Hapi.js (Node.js) web framework to build scalable apps in less time
- How to create a REST API with Hapi, Dogwater and Bedwetter
- hapi tutorial series (78+ tutorials)
- hapijs-rest-api-tutorial - A practical introduction to building a RESTful API with the hapi.js server framework for Node.js
- hapi-example - Making an API happy with hapi
- Getting Started with Hapi 8
- Let's build a URL Shortener with Node, MongoDB and Hapi.js
- OAuth Integration Using Hapi
- HapiJS Authentication - Secure Your API With JWT
- Build a RESTful API using hapi.js and MongoDB
- makemehapi - Self guided workshops to teach you about hapi
- Introducing chairo, a hapi.js Microservices Plugin
- Using hapi.js with
- nodejs-tutorials-hapi - Tutorial showcase for the hapi beginner series on Future Studio
- Serving React and Flux with Hapi and Webpack
- How to use Hapi decorate?
- Thin Controller in Hapi
- Realtime timeline with hapi.js, nes and RethinkDB
- hapi v17 request lifecycle cheat sheet (free PDF)
- hapi.js request lifecycle diagram
- Express to Hapi.js
- Futureflix: a hapi starter kit with existing project structure for views, static assets, Mongoose and MongoDB
Best practices
- Performance at rest - Benchmarking frameworks is fucking stupid.
- Node Performance 2016: Hapi, Express.js, Restify, and Koa
- Framework options for creating a REST API with node.
- Comparing Express, Restify, hapi and LoopBack for building RESTful APIs
API designs
- learn-api-design - Essential learning for people building APIs
- API best practices: Hypermedia