
simple, transparent gz decompression for fuse

Primary LanguagePython

gzfuse - simple, transparent gz decompression for fuse

gzfuse is read-only gunzip loopback for fuse, allowing you to read transparently from a folder full of compressed files.


Just run gzfuse.py original-folder gunzip-folder, and now all .gz files in original-folder are accessible in gunzip-folder, as they were plain files.


Yeah, you can ask why doing a gunzip loopback for fuse, since there are already a bunch of transparent unpackers for fuse... Just look at the implementation. It's dead simple. So why not? Also, all others unpackers have their own format, and you can't be sure if you will really be able to read your files after a while. With gzfuse the problem is solved: it's just plain old gzip files!


The current gzfuse implementation should be considered experimental. It does require a lot more testing. And a rewrite in C, as it's currently written in Python.

So, to put here a nice list. gzfuse is currently:

  • not enough tested
  • rather slow
  • single-theaded
  • read-only

All these limitations are to be fixed in the future if there is an use for it.

Problems when installing under debian wheezy

when python setup.py install crashes with "error: README: No such file or directory" you have to install fusepy by hand: pip install fusepy