
Collection of apitraces for GL regression testing

trace-db is a shared public database of apitrace files and tooling for Mesa developers.

Database structure

Traces are stored under traces/appname. Generally each individual trace should target some relevant frame: an average scene in the application, a very expensive scene, or a scene that had some rendering bug on a driver.

In order to make traces relevant to apitrace-based performance regression testing, all of the application setup should be in the first frame of the file.

Golden reference images

This database is primarily intended to be used with piglit's apitrace test harness. Make sure that your driver has some appropriate categorization (at least driver name, possibly driver name and hardware family) in piglit. Known-good frames then are stored as traces/<appname>.expected.<drivercategory>.<drawcallnumber>.png. They can be generated with:

apitrace replay -s <appname>.expected.<drivercategory>. appname.trace

(Don't forget the trailing '.')

Frames generated this way should be verified visually against the reference frames from other drivers.

Adding a new trace

Begin with:

apitrace trace myapp

and exit once you've seen what you want to keep. Identify the frame you want to keep by:

apitrace replay -s myapp-frames- myapp.trace

which will produce a set of pngs under myapp-frames-*.png. Cut all the frames after the one you want to keep. Let's say you wanted frame 4:

apitrace trim myapp.trace -o myapp-end-cut.trace --frames 0-4

Now, see if you can cut the middle frames from the trace:

apitrace trim myapp-end-cut.trace -o myapp-mid-cut.trace --frames 0,4
apitrace replay -s myapp-frames-mid- myapp.trace

Compare the myapp-frames-mid-* to myapp-frames-*.png to be sure that myapp-frames-mid's last frame is still rendering the same thing you planned on keeping. Next, import it to the annex:

mkdir traces/myapp

mv myapp-mid-cut.trace traces/myapp/name-of-frame.trace
git add traces/myapp/name-of-frame.trace

my myapp-mid-frames-mid-thelastone.png traces/myapp/name-of-frame.expected.png
git add traces/myapp/name-of-frame.expected.png

cp /usr/share/doc/myapp/copyright traces/myapp/COPYING
git add traces/myapp/COPYING

git commit -a