
this creates a docker image with utilities to administer a mesos cluster created using the Azure mesos cluster template

Primary LanguageShell

Mesos Cluster Utilities

This project provides the utility "container-service" that provides functions to manage your Azure Mesos cluster created from template https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/tree/master/mesos-swarm-marathon.

To use you must mount an ssh folder that contains the private key of the public key you used to configure the cluster. Here is a sample command that assumes you are mounting the "ssh" directory under your home directory that contains your private keys:

docker run -i -t -v ~/ssh:/root/.ssh anhowe/mesos-cluster-utils

Once in the container type container-service to view all the available options.

  1. Create SSH key pair. If you have not already done this, create the pair using instructions from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys.

  2. Deploy the Azure Mesos cluster ensuring you specify your public key created in step 1:https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/tree/master/mesos-swarm-marathon

  3. On a master node, you need to place your private key in a

  4. login to master

  5. mkdir ssh

  6. copy id_rsa to master scp -P 2211 id_rsa azureuser@mesosscalable0923f.westus.cloudapp.azure.com:ssh/.

  7. chmod 600 ~/ssh/id_rsa

  8. sudo docker run -i -t -v ~/ssh:/root/.ssh anhowe/mesos-cluster-utils

  9. Once in the docker container

  10. ./initialize-cluster.sh

  • this will warm the thumbprints, analyze the cluster, and pre-pull the images
  1. ./chaos.sh - this runs a routine where it stops a few nodes, and then sleeps and then scales up
  2. ./submit-demo-app.sh - this submits a marathon application