Nexle Entrance Exam

Author: Anh Quoc Tran (, LinkedIn)


  • .NET 6.0.
  • Visual Studio 2022.
  • MySQL Server 5.7 or later
  • Docker and Docker Compose (optional).


This project is following Clean Architecture

  • Architecture diagram:


  • Folder structure:
├───NexleInterviewTesting.Api <-- Presenation layer. Containing controllers, applied middlewares, authorization and authentication, validation and request view models, ASP.NET Core startup project.
├───NexleInterviewTesting.Application <-- Business logic layer. Containing services, DTO, some service helpers, middleware definitions, etc...
├───NexleInterviewTesting.Domain <-- Domain/data access layer. Containing entities, repositories, unit of work, some enums use on entities.
├───NexleInterviewTesting.Infrastructure <-- Infrastructure layer. Containing DbContext, DB migration, some external service connectors like Redis, Message Queue, etc... and Background Job.

Database design

This project can't use existing DB from Nexle server db_diagram


  • Clone this repository:
$ git clone
  • Open the project in your Visual Studio by double click src > NexleInterviewTesting > NexleInterviewTesting.sln.
  • Create appsettings.json in NexleInterviewTesting.Api project by copy all contents fromappsettings.example.json file (because the appsettings.json file was ignored from git for security reasons).
  • Modify the ConnectionStrings:
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "Default": "your_mysql_connection_string_here"
  • Change JSON Web Token (JWT) configurations in appsettings.json:
  "Authentication": {
    "JwtBearer": {
      "Audience": "",
      "SecurityKey": "",
      "Issuer": ""
  • Run the database migration:
    • Via Package Manager Console:
      • Select NexleInterviewTesting.Infrastructure as Default project
      • Run this command to apply the migration:
        The default initial migration will be applied.
    • Via .NET Core CLI Tools:
      • Install Entity Framework Core tools
        $ dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
      • Apply the migration:
        $ dotnet ef database update --project "NexleInterviewTesting.Infrastructure/NexleInterviewTesting.Infrastructure.csproj" --startup-project "NexleInterviewTesting.Api/NexleInterviewTesting.Api.csproj"
  • Start the application by click the button IIS Express in Visual Studio to start the NexleInterviewTesting.Api project by IIS Express. Application will be served at http://localhost:16442 by default.

Postman collection

If you need Postman collection, please import it from file nexle_entrance_api.json under postman folder. Get it.

OpenAPI documentation (Swagger UI)

This project has been configured to use Swagger API documentation with OpenAPI standard. If you navigate to the root of route http://localhost:16442, you will see the Swagger UI like this:


Note: Swagger run on development environment only, so if you run on Docker or Release build, you won't see Swagger UI.

Running with Docker Compose

To containerize this application with Docker Compose, you need navigate to the src directory, and then open your favourite terminal like Command Prompt, Powershell, etc... and execute below command:

docker compose up -d --build

This command will build the Docker image of our project (--build flag) and start the container from built image (up command) with detached mode (-d flag). After that, if the container has been run successfully, our api will be served at http://localhost:5001 (defined on docker-compose.yml) The Database migrations will be applied automatically when the DB's container has started.