We use LSTM, BiLSTM, BERT and SVM with TF-IDF, Word2vec and Bag-of-words to classify this documents to positive (labeled as 1), neutral (labeled as 0) and negative (labeled as 2)
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- 18810919129
- Aniketkumar121
- athao1023
- caodoanh2001HCMC
- chuuuuuuya
- DinhLuan14UIT-VNUHCM
- dnthanh19it3
- Dtsayy
- duan-n2dVietnam
- electryone
- floc88
- gargichoudhary05Delhi
- haiquy572001
- HyprnxTechcombank Vietnam
- jingmiao-ti
- JJh-Y
- KinhKhaVN
- lequiViệt Nam
- mnxk2001
- mrgoonie@digitopvn
- nguyenduyduan
- nhattientran
- rycontRepublic of Korea Navy
- sawyerbutton
- shi131CUMT
- SudanNepali
- thanhnguyentrung
- Thinh2418
- truongdx5
- Vian47
- vpapgThe University of Sheffield
- weedharmHanoi University of Science and Technology
- yeonpluie