
Write a program to find the greatest common divisor (USCLN) and the least common multiple (BSCNN) of two positive integers a and b entered from the keyboard.


Write a program to find the greatest common divisor (USCLN) and the least common multiple (BSCNN) of two positive integers a and b entered from the keyboard. """

  • Find the greatest common divisor (USCLN)
  • @param a: positive integer
  • @param b: positive integer
  • @return USCLN of a and b """ def uscln(a, b): if (b == 0): return a; return uscln(b, a % b);


  • Find the least common multiple (BSCNN)
  • @param a: positive integer
  • @param b: positive integer
  • @return BSCNN of a and b """ def bscnn(a, b): return int((a * b) / uscln(a, b));

a = int(input("Enter a positive integer a = ")); b = int(input("Enter a positive integer b = ")); #calculate USCLN of a and b print("Greatest common divisor of", a, "and", b, "is:", uscln(a, b)); #calculate BSCNN of a and b print("Least common multiple of", a, "and", b, "is:", bscnn(a, b));