
My MRE project - built-in many features! NestJS framework

Primary LanguageTypeScript

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A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications.

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Nest framework TypeScript starter repository.

Notice: This project is designed to work with both the Web MVC model and the REST architecture. With many features needed for a #RealWorld project

⚠️ DISCLAIMER: This project is still in development and not stable yet. It's not recommended to use it in production.

Get started


  • Make sure you have Docker, Docker Compose and Node.js installed.
  • The run.sh script only works on Linux or MacOS. On Windows, you have to run it in MINGW64 environment (aka. Git bash) - a PowerShell script will be available soon. See the instructions.
  • You need to install PostgreSQL and Redis by yourself, if you don't want to use Docker.
https://github.com/tranphuquy19/NestJS-EJS-MVC-boilerplate # Clone this repository
cd NestJS-EJS-MVC-boilerplate # Go to the root of the repository

yarn # Install dependencies
bash ./run.sh up -d # will start all services. `-d` will run the services for development mode. 
yarn start:dev # Start the application in development mode

Start using Docker compose

bash ./run.sh build # Build the application image for production
bash ./run.sh up -p # Start PostgreSQL, Redis, PgAdmin and the application in production mode

bash ./run.sh down # Stop PostgreSQL, Redis, PgAdmin and the application
bash ./run.sh down:volumes # Destroy PostgreSQL, Redis, PgAdmin and the application


I'm looking for help with fixing issues, adding new packages, docs and maintaining existing ones. It would be very helpful if you submit a pull request with bug fixes.



  • production
  • development

View engine




  • API Response
  • Static files
  • Database queries
  • CDN


  • Cookies/Session
  • Using Redis as Session Store
  • Basic auth
  • JWT auth
  • Refresh token
  • Web-socket auth
  • OAuth Google
  • OAuth Facebook
  • OAuth Github
  • Verify email
  • Time-based One-time password (TOTP)

Task scheduler

  • Timeout
  • Interval
  • Cron job

HTTP client

  • RESTful client
  • GraphQL client
  • SOAP client

Send mail

  • Nodemailer (smtp, password)
  • Email templates


  • PayPal
  • Stripe


  • Repository pattern
  • Module path Aliases

Authorization (Access control)

  • Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Attribute-based Access Control (ABAC)
  • Can update grants at runtime
  • Implemented builder pattern

Support SEO

  • Sitemap generator
  • Google Analytics
  • Open graph


  • Self-hosted push notification
  • Store subscriptions in Redis
  • Push notification to specific users
  • Push notification to logged in users
  • Push notification to guest users
  • Unsubscribe notification
  • Firebase Cloud Messaging


  • Support EJS <%= __('home') %>, using i18n package
  • Using Cookie

File Uploader

  • Uploader decorator uploader.decorator.ts
  • Magic number checker
  • Auto resize images
  • Auto optimize images
  • Auto generate video thumbnails
  • Cloudinary
  • AWS S3


  • Log requests (using morgan)
  • Log requests in development environment
  • Write logs to file in production environment

Real-time application

  • Socket.IO
  • Redis Pub/Sub

Debugging config

  • VScode
  • JetBrains's IDEs (WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA, ...)
  • Node Inspector


  • Pagination
  • Transaction
  • Synchronizing Table Schemas
  • Data seeding
  • Multi-database


  • Using helmet package
  • CORS
  • CRFS
  • Schema validation (validation pipes)
  • Rate limit
  • Check uploaded file types with magic number

Health checks

  • Get stats
  • Stats reports
  • Email health check report

Git hooks

  • Using husky
  • Linting (with lint-staged)
  • Prettier (just run yarn format)
  • Integrate Commitizen (use yarn commit instead of git commit)


  • Database backup

App containerization

  • Dockerfile (development, production)
  • Docker-compose
  • Improve image build process with buildkit
  • Kubernetes
  • Skaffold


  • Github actions
  • Circle CI
  • Gitlab pipeline
  • Multi-Stage pipelines


  • Unit test
  • E2E
  • Coverage
  • Performance


  • Swagger docs http://localhost:4000/docs
  • Swagger json-docs (just append -json to Swagger path. Example: http://localhost:4000/docs-json)