
Spring Airline

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Spring Boot

Plural Sight

Spring Boot config and environment

  • External Sources: command line parameters, JNDI, OS environment variables
  • Internal Sources: servlet parameters, property files, java configuration

Customize and Override Spring Boot

  • Order of precedence:
    1. Command line args
    1. Servlet parameters
    1. JNDI
    1. Java System Properties
    1. OS environment variable
    1. Profile properties
    1. Application properties
    1. @PropertySource annotations
    1. Default properties

Spring Boot Containerless Architecture

  • Original Deployment: Tomcat, Glassfish, Websphere, Spring Boot
  • Support Containers: Tomcat, Jetty, Undertow

Common cloud platform

  • cloud foundry
  • heroku
  • google cloud
  • aws
  • ms azure

Plural Sight

ACID Transactional: Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, Durable

  • Atomic: it either all happens or does not happen at all
  • Consistent: the data written is valid according to the various contraints
  • Isolated: other transactions can not see the result until the transaction is committed
  • Durable: the results of the transaction are written to disk

Spring Data: Repository + Query Generation

  • https://github.com/dlbunker/ps-spring-data-jpa
  • Spring Data Commons: Spring Data JPA, Spring JDBC, Spring Data KeyValue, Spring Data CouchBase, Spring Data Ne04j, Spring Data LDAP, Spring Data MongoDB, Spring Data Redis, Spring Data Hazelcast, Spring Data DynamoDB

Query DSL (Domain Specific Language = Method Contracts)

  • Query DSL is an extensive Java framework, which allows for the generation of type-safe queries in a syntax similar to SQL, it support various backends including JPA, JDO, SQL, Java collections, RDF, Lucene, Hibernate Search, and MongoDB

  • Query DSL can begin with: findBy, queryBy, readBy, countBy, getBy

  • Query DSL uses JPA attribute names for criteria, multiple criteria combined with [And, Or]

example query DSL:

  • findBySessionNameContains(String name)

  • select s from Session s where s.sessionName like :name

  • select * from Sessions s where s.session_name like ?

  • Keyword: And, Or

  • findByFirstNameAndLastName || findByFirstNameOrLastName

  • Keyword: Equals, Is, Not

  • findBySessionLength || findBySessionLengthIs || findBySessionLengthEquals || findBySessionLengthNot

  • Keyword: Like, Not Like

  • findBySessionNameLike("Java%") || findBySessionNameNotLike("Java%")

  • Keyword: StartingWith, EndingWith

  • other variations: StartsWith, EndsWith, Contains, IsStartingWith, IsEndingWith, IsContaining, NotContaining, NotContains

  • findBySessionNameStartingWith("a") || findBySessionNameEndingWith("a") || findBySessionNameContaining("a")

  • Keyword: LessThan(Equal), GreaterThan(Equal)

  • findBySessionLengthLessThan(30) || findBySessionLengthLessThanEqual(30)

  • findBySessionLengthGreaterThan(30) || findBySessionLengthGreaterThanEqual(30)

  • Keyword: Before, After, Between

  • findByStartDateBefore(startDate) || findByStartDateAfter(startDate) || findByStartDateBetween(startDate, endDate)

  • Keyword: True, False

  • findByIncludeWorkshopTrue || findByIncludeWorkshopFalse

  • Keyword: IsNull, IsNotNull, NotNull

  • findBySpeakerPhotoNull() || findBySpeakerPhotoIsNull() || findBySpeakerPhotoNotNull() || findBySpeakerPhotoIsNotNull()

  • Keyword: In, NotIn

  • findByCompanyIn(companies) || findByCompanyNotIn(companies)

  • Keyword: IgnoreCase

  • findByCompanyIgnoreCase(comp) || findByCompanyContainsIgnoreCase(comp)

  • where UPPER(a.company) = UPPER(%?%) || where UPPER(a.company) = UPPER(%?1%)

  • Keyword: OrderBy

  • findByLastNameOrderByFirstNameAsc(name) || findByLastNameOrderByFirstNameDesc(name)

  • WHERE a.lastName = ? ORDER BY a.firstName ASC || WHERE a.lastName = ? ORDER BY a.firstName DESC

  • Keyword: First, Top, Distinct

  • findFirstByFirstName(name) || findTop5ByFirstName(name) || findDistinctByFirstName(name)

  • where firstName = ? LIMIT 5 || SELECT DISTINCT FROM table WHERE firstName = ?

  • Keyword: @Query annotation for run: SQL or JPQL

  • @Query(value = "select tp from TicketPrice tp where tp.basePrice = ?1")

  • @Query(value = "select * from ticket_prices where pricing_category_code = ?1", nativeQuery = true)

  • Audit annotations: @CreatedBy @LastModifiedBy @CreatedDate @LastModifiedDate