To run on local machine , Instructions : 1) Import this repository using command : git clone 2) run: mvn clean compile . (note: Maven blobal setting should be configuire properly in your system) 3)(Use Intellij idea to import the project...) 4) To run/debug this applications : has main method to run this application...So run as main file (note: it will ask you some initial parameters to be provided like server and config.yaml file) 5) Go to -> Edit Configurations -> change "Main class" as: "org.tiger.App" -> then change "Program arguments" as : " server config.yaml" 6) Apply and Run (note: config.yaml is needed for dropwizard to initialise the classes for application path and rootPath information.) 7) Go to Chrome browser and Enter: http://localhost:8080/index.html 8) you will see view is being render by http jetty container. 9) Make sure to change baseURL in controller.js and service.js inside "resources/restoDemo/app/scripts" to "http://localhost:8080/service/" (bug: currently it's being set manually for heroku app address ..., we can modify it later for dynamic update ) 10) Also you can configure MongoClient inside class according to your personal mongodb database address. 11) To run on local machine we need to change monogoclient's address of MONGOLAB_URI to "mongodb://{your-db-name}"