
Contains code for C3D, LCN and TSM for action recognition models.

Primary LanguagePython


The video demonstration for the project can be found here

This repo is divided into nine directories:

  1. app: Contains Flask application used for real-time web application
  2. pi: Contains code for communicating frames and extracting CNN features from Intel's Neural Compute Stick
  3. data: Contains code for preprocessing dataset
  4. references: Contains the references used in our project
  5. results: Contains all the plots and code for generating the evaluation metrics
  6. ncs: Contains code to convert Pytorch model to Neural Compute Stick binary
  7. LRCN: Contains training and annotation code for LRCN
  8. C3D: Contains training and annotation code for C3D
  9. TSM: Contains training and annotation code for TSM


Download the dataset and the annotations from this box link and place under the data folder. Use the scripts extract_frames.py and downsample.py to generate the annotation frames from the dataset.

Model Weights

Download the checkpoints folder from here to reproduce our results.

To run our action recognition model on Intel's Movidius stick, download the pretrained binaries folderncs_models folder from here and place it inside the ncs folder.


Run python3 train.py to train the model. Run python3 annotate.py to annotate the video dataset


Precompute C3D features using the script extract.py. Run python3 train.py to train the model. Run python3 annotate-folder.py to annotate the video dataset.


Follow the procedure specified here to generate the dataset. Run the following command to train the model:

python3 main.py pig RGB \
      -p 2 --arch resnet18 --num_segments 8  --gd 20 --lr 0.02 \
      --wd 1e-4 --lr_steps 12 25 --epochs 35 --batch-size 64 -j 16 --dropout 0.5 \
      --consensus_type=avg --eval-freq=1 --shift --shift_div=8 --shift_place=blockres --npb

Run python3 annotate.py to annotate the video dataset.

Neural Compute Stick

Run python3 pytorch_to_tf.py to convert the a Pytorch checkpoint into an onnx file. Install Intel's Model Optimizer to convert this onnx file into an NCS binary


Run python3 send_frames.py -i <Host IP> to communicate frames from Raspberry Pi to Host laptop


Run python3 main.py to launch the Flask application.