
Turn YAML into documentation (md,html,pdf,doc etc)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

yaml2doc (YAML to document)


Convert YAML to documentation.

Particularly useful for documenting specifications or examples. Features:

  • Easily document your YAML
  • Convert to md,pdf,docx even pptx (anything supported by pandoc)
  • For pdf add left side margin notes
  • Through pandoc support allow title,date,author ..
  • Validates YAML using pyyaml - can insert validation date and status in documentation

Basically your comments in the YAML file can be turned into good looking documentation.


Relies on the amazing pandoc for the document conversion. It will however run as a pure python yaml to markdown converter without pandoc (as it converts to md and then to pandoc)

How to use

This script takes all lines beginning with # as text-lines. All other lines are treated as “yaml”.

For each text the # is removed and the “code” will get spaces prepended.


pip3 install .


Once installed the package can be used from the commandline

usage: yamltodoc <infile.yaml> <outfile.[md|pdf|docx|pptx]>

The following will build an example report with the files in the "test" directory and the title as "a major report"


yamltodoc test/blueprint.yaml blueprint.pdf 


Derived from yaml2rst 0.3 which was a yaml to RST converter