Following the practice of @jbranchaud, thoughtbot and @charliegerard.
A collection of my tips and tricks learnt over the course of the Makers Academy bootcamp, as well as ongoing learning.
- Testing
- Git
- Command line
- Editors
- APIs
- JavaScript
- Typescript
- Node.js
- JavaScript frameworks and libraries
- Python
- Ruby
- Elixir
- Front-end
- Postgres
- Go
- Rust
- WebAssembly
- Mobile developent
- Project setups
- DevOps/SRE
- Machine learning
- Authentication
- Computer science
- Electrical engineering
- Misc
- Tech interviews
- RSpec setup
- RSpec syntax
- RSpec mocking
- Pry
- to add: Capybara
- Rubocop scaffold
- FactoryBot
- Factories:
- Factories:
- Commit messages
- Git resources
- .gitignore
- Git Basics
- GitHub: find historic file
- to add: working on branches
- List of cool APIs
- Web APIs
- Webhooks
- Axios
- Remote data fetching in React
- RESTful APIs
- REST clients
- GraphQL resources
- JS basics and overview
- Functional programming sample
- Pure functions
- JS resources
- Logical operators in JS
- Prototyping and inheritance
- OO and inheritance in JS
- Module pattern &
- Destructuring
- ES6 functions and destructuring
- ES6 Rest & Spread
- Arrow functions
- Nested functions
- Fetching data with axios vs fetch()
- Currying
- Hoisting
- Closures
- Promises
- Debugging JS
- Error handling
- Export-import cheatsheet
object- JS Date module
- JS for React
- Handy JS and TS libraries
- React resources
- React intro notes
- Intro to testing React
- Strict Mode
- React Dev Tools
- React hooks
- Enzyme vs React Testing Library
library- Conditional rendering in component
- React.Fragment
- Using
- Passing
with the spread operator - React lifecycyle methods
- Functional vs class components
- React Context API and hook
- Firing events in React`
- Promises and async-await syntax
- Custom
attributes - Libraries - cool libs to use with React
- Security vulnerabilities in React
- State in React
- 5 Types of React Application State
- Redux intro notes
- Alternatives to Redux
- Types of React Application State
- State management in Redux
- Action creators and
- Syntax: underscore
- Web scraping in python
- Setup best practices
- Python resources
- Pipenv and package dependencies solutions
- Dictionaries
- Rails basics
- Rails resources
respond_to format.js
API- Active Record -
- Calling things on Active Record models
- Controllers writeup
- Controller - standard CRUD implementation
- ActiveRecord Models
- Service objects
- Syntax
- Units
- Selectors
- The CSS Cascade
- CSS box model
- CSS ruleset
- CSS font sizing
- CSS centering
- CSS transitions
- Gradients
- CSS variables/custom properties
- CSS grid resources
- SCSS - basic flexbox grid
- Simple CSS grid example
- Nested grid example
- Flexbox
- Flexbox or grid?
- Default mobile first layout
- Learning resources
- Go best practice
- Features - minimal working examples of Go
- Standard package layout
- Go frameworks
- Sinatra project with Capybara and Rspec
- Node project with Express server
- React app with Node and Express backend plus webpack
- React sample project with Webpack, tools and hooks
- Node project boilerplates
- Full stack app in Vue and Node/Express
- MVC app in plain JS
- Nest.js CRUD with Postgres and TypeORM
- Node.js with PyNode
- Vue and Rails single-page app
- Gatsby on Now
- Python setup - best practices
- Full-stack demo
- Python with Vue frontend - links at the bottom
- ML projects
- Static site starters
- Basics of network engineering
- Webhooks
- Servers
- Web performance checklist
- SQL vs NoSQL databases
- Master-Slave Architecture
- Event Driven Architecture
- Publisher-Subscriber Model
- Heroku
- Rake
- CI/CD setup
- CRC cards for db models
- Travis
- Antipatterns of db use
- add notes from ML workshop
- Libraries
- ML tutorials
- TensorFlow.js
- TensorFlow 2.0 with Keras
- 3D machine learning
- Polish language resources
- CS curriculum
- Data structures
- FP
- PWA pattern
- Algorithms
- Pure functions
- RegEx
- Finite State Machine pattern
- State as a concept
- Design patterns
- Markdown cheatsheet
- Accessibility tools
- Naming good practice
- Documenting projects
- Folder structure conventions
- Headless CMS
- Web Design
- Environment fixes
- RESTful APIs
- Get a list of browsers from npx
- Process: Example Mapping
- Serverless functions