
A web service written in Go to generate pdf from html

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION



A web service written in Go to generate pdfs from html and merge multiple files


One-Eyed-Willy (OEW) is a simple experiment to create a web app that generates pdf files from a html. The app is named after the pirate of the Goonies movie. When I was a child I loved this movie and prefered pirates over ninjas ;-)

OEW makes use of the chromedp package to render the html and generate the pdf file. Currently we don't have a native Go implementation of such tool, from my research go-weasyprint is a promising alternative but unfortunately it hasn't reached production level yet and wkthmltopdf is outdated and undermaintained. The pdf merge api is provided by pdfcpu package.

Project structure

├── cmd
│   └── oew
│       └── main.go     // application entrypoint
├── docs                // swagger documentation, automatically generated with `make docs`
├── internal            // application internal packages, not reusable
│   ├── config          // app and echo configurations
│   ├── handler         // handlers are the controllers and usecases
│   └── router          // initialize echo with the application configs
├── pkg                 // public packages, could be reused by other projects
│   ├── logger          // a wrapper around zap logger
│   ├── pdf             // pdf related functions, currently generate from html and merge files
│   └── utils           // generic functions created to makes some tasks simpler
└── testdata            // files and data used in tests

Environment variable

OEW will automaticaly load your application's env vars from .env.* files, where * is the values of ENVIRONMENT var i.e: if ENVIRONMENT=production it will look for a .env.production file. If ENVIRONTMENT is empty it will load .env.development by default.


git clone git@github.com:anibaldeboni/one-eyed-willy.git
make install_deps

Unit tests

make test

Linter tests

make lint


make build


You may run the application directly from the source using:

make run

Or inside a docker container:

make docker-build
make docker

It will start a server on port 8080


POST http://localhost:8080/pdf/generate generates a pdf file from a html base64 encoded string

POST http://localhost:8080/pdf/merge merges two or more pdf files

POST http://localhost:8080/pdf/encrypt encrypt a pdf file witha given password


OEW has a web frontend. You may access it in your browser at http://localhost:8080/