- 0x0052
- 0x8bKS Sp. z o.o.
- a625687551Beijing,China
- anhtranSaigon
- archatasBerlin, Germany
- blooalienThird Rock from Sol
- brendancol@makepath
- brice-grosLa Rochelle, France
- csolsenDR
- DahlitzFlorian@IBM
- drunkpigNASA
- fabiocaccamoBlack Foundry
- higumachanKICONIA WORKS
- hma02University of Guelph
- honestabelink
- jianjieluoSun Yat-sen University
- jingwenh
- JiramewNankai University
- jixi1991
- jpyatachkovBMSTU
- karin0China
- kastnerpGeorgia Tech
- KellyHwongHong Kong University of Science and Technology
- kraizDresden - Germany
- kwanhur@shopee
- manfredengler@cornershop @ScaleSoftcl
- microdogShanghai, China
- nkiiiiid
- numb3r3@jina-ai
- pepemxlPinterest | Ex-Meta
- saurabh0719India
- shaohelv
- TadLeonardNYC, NY
- viranribic
- wahello
- xs314Guilin,China